Thursday, October 18, 2012

I always feel that the first entry of a blog is overwhelming. Like, what the hell am I going to talk about? How should I even start? Is there a point to this thing? These, plus many more, are excellent questions. I'm not going to even answer them but I know they exist and are just sitting there taunting me. Wanting to intimidate me into not starting this blog. They can just go get over themselves and shut up.
I was thinking I should just start with introducing myself but have decided against that for now. This whole thing will be a giant introduction of me and what I'm about. I'm a normal lady with some off the wall thoughts and stuff.
I'm looking at this first entry as a way to get my toe wet. To get over my initial apprehension and intimidation. When I would start paper journals, the first 10 pages or so were song lyrics or poems or excerpts from books I liked. So that when I started with my own words, the pages weren't so pristine and white and empty. This is that. A filler. So that I can dirty it up and get myself ready to roll around and make it mine.
As a first entry, it's not what I want but it's OK. I can't promise exceptional prose or deep insights. Just me. Being me.

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